Roundup of articles, podcasts, videos and webinars

- Holiday On-Call Duty: Present or Punishment? - The New Stack
- Evaluating an observability vendor? Why you should try before you buy with the OpenTelemetry Collector - Chronosphere
- Back to Basics: Observability Concepts Every Developer Should Know - Chronosphere
- Testing in Production - ShiftMag
- Conference Recap: Learning From Incidents - Chronosphere
- Conversations I'm Sick of Having about Observability - The New Stack, Chronosphere
- How to pay down your monitoring debt - LeadDev
- SRE Fundamentals: Differences Between SLI vs. SLO vs. SLA - The New Stack, Chronosphere
- Guide to making on-call holidays suck less - Chronosphere
- Why I joined Chronosphere as a Senior Developer Advocate - Chronosphere
- Assembling Your Year In Review - SysAdvent
- Make 2018 a year of IT skills development - TechTarget
- How I Got Into Tech: New Relic's Women Techies Share Their Personal Career Paths - DZone
- 51 web apps built by brilliant women engineers - Hackbright
- The three winning ideas from last weekend's #StartupWeekend Spokane - Spokesman Review
- Sampling Distributed Traces - Slight Reliability
- How Observability Provides Insights to Businesses - Enginears
- K8s Observability - KubeCuddle
- Sustainable On-Call Culture - Page It To The Limit
- Episode 45: Telemetry Fluency - Slight Reliability
- Episode 44: Cognitive Overload - Slight Reliability
- Observability For What's Next: All About Events - Chronosphere YouTube
- Finding the Heart of SRE: Building an Empathetic SRE Practice - The SRE Show
- SRE Journey: Pushing Change to an Organization - The SRE Show
- New Relic Loves Learning & Snacks - YouTube